VisioCyt ® is a non-invasive test for the diagnosis of bladder cancer.
VitaDX has developed an innovative, sensitive and reproducible solution for the diagnosis and
monitoring of bladder cancer called VisioCyt ®, performed on a simple urine sample.
2.7 million people diagnosed and treated every year.
125,000 new cases/year
4th cause of cancer with 16,282 cases/year 1,2
2nd urological cancer1
Incidence increasing by 1%/year1
Type de tumeur vésicale lors du diagnostic 3

- TVIM 20%
50% de taux de survie à 5 ans - TVNIM 80%
80% de taux de survie à 5 ans, 50% de récidives dont 15% progressent en TVIM
Bladder cancer affects men in 80%1 of cases
Average age at diagnosis 70 years3
The main symptoms are hematuria and bladder irritation
People at risk include smokers and professionals exposed to chemicals in several industrial sectors3.
VisioCyt® - a non-invasive, sensitive and reproducible test, performed in addition to cytology and prior to endoscopy - enables your urologist to personalize and adapt your care according to the results (endoscopy to be performed rapidly, orientation of his endoscopic practice, additional examinations, etc.).
Although VisioCyt® analysis represents a real advance in bladder cancer diagnosis and surveillance thanks to its sensitivity, it does not guarantee 100% detection of a possible cancer or recurrence. Based on VisioCyt® results, your urologist may need to carry out further examinations.